Digital Scrapbook Page | Seize the Moment

Happy morning,

In just a few minutes the kids will be awake, I will be serving breakfast, looking for shoes, combing hair and grabbing my bible while running out the door.  I just love a busy morning.  Well not really, could be why I homeschool.  :)  The boys carefully pack their bags with just the right books, pencils, erasers all to keep them occupied as they sit and do their work while I entertain ladies in bible study...

I have watched them do this last week as well, and thought to myself, O how I am so thankful for the blessings the Lord has given us.  The choices we make, that impact our lives so.  The forgiveness of bad choices we have made in our past.  Recently, our community has endured two horrific accidents.  I am so thankful to live in such a community that would come together in support for times like these. 

Having a heavy heart full of thankfulness this morning, I would like to share a digital scrapbook page I made of our family.  Seize the moment as it is this very moment, we have so much to be thankful for. ~Melanie