This summer has been a ray of HOT sunshine in Oklahoma. A year since moving from Washington state. Our family as a whole has adjusted to over 100 degree weather, thunderstorms, locusts, crickets, grasshoppers, chiggers, well just bugs in general, and don't forget the occasional snake and spider. science explorations will be proudly filled with bugs as we kick off the school year. living in Oklahoma has been a year full of adjusting but also restoration. we find peace and contentment with all we have been blessed with. the last couple of weeks I have been writing learning plans for each of the kids, registering for fall soccer and dance, scheduling field trips (love all Tulsa has to offer), visiting the local libraries for the best resources available, curriculum has been arriving on our door step, shelves have been rearranged, rearranged, moved and rearranged yet again, last year has been recorded and stored away. On my back porch, better get on with my day cause my laptop screen is a ray of sunshine.