Digital Project Life | Week Forty-Two

Welcome to the Week of: October 14-20
Highlights: Day in Day out living.

Complete Digital Album Spread:

Products Used:
Melanie Britt Designs:
1. Photo Templates 2. Soccer Ball 3. Week 42 Title Card FREEBIE at end of THIS post 4. Digital Album with Templates 5. Homemade Pie Digital Stamp 6. me+you=love Chocolate Lovers 
7. Word Art Ali Edwards 8. Word Art Katie Periet 9. Seafoam Cards Digital Project Life 

Tech Stuff:

is a memory keeping system developed by Becky Higgins.  I contributed to her Project Life e-book available here. You can find traditional supplies here and here. The digital aspect of this system is available at Digital Project Life.
Looking for the Week 42 title card?
Click on image above to download.
Please leave me a comment and let me know you downloaded it.
This will help me to decide if I should do more free blog downloads.
Thanks so much!