Digital Project Life | Week Nine 2 of 2 + A Freebie

Update on week nine... so I'm caught up and ready to post week ten.
With a smile on my face I glance back over my finished spread when I notice.....the date on my scanned and neatly arranged ticket stubs are clearly stamped [Mar 2]. eek! Yep, I had mismanaged my dates.  Surely I'm not the only imperfect project lifer out there?  I threw these words out on twitter...  "What to do when days are missed?"  Without one single 'tweet back'... I am the only forgetful project lifer, surely by the end of the day someone will come forward.....

Here's my simple solution: Just in case there is someone besides me willing to:
{{Admit that I actually missed a big story and add an insert into the proper week!
no biggie ... it's not challenging to admit missing something as important as the Lorax!}}

Ok,  you heard it here first.....the MAIN reason for my "I can't believe I forgot The Lorax madness" is.... I made an entire journal card kit to share!!  And yes, I'm a wee bit excited about it!


Sorry, download no longer available, and has been downloaded 87 times.
Make sure you don't miss another one by liking my facebook page.

I would love to hear about your crazy project life moment. If of course I'm not the only one.
Thanks for stopping by!  ~Melanie