This week was so fun! Well, actually I've discovered that every week ends up being fun no matter.
Maybe it's because I'm purposely searching for something fun to add to my week.
Maybe it's because my life is sometimes so full that I must take the time to find some fun.
I absolutely love...... this time of the year! Spring rain in the air. Thunder. Lightning. Lord help us.
Tornados. This is the beauty of living in Oklahoma my friends. Spring around here is literally up in the air. It could be 70 one beautiful spring day, the next day, we could experience a blizzard in March. I love to hear my Dad and Mom tell stories about Oklahoma's crazy weather history.
Moving on: Here's my week eleven.
Bugs! Caterpillars. Crickets. Grasshoppers. Beetles. Rolly Polly's. Oh! My!
We are so thrilled with our new bug pet Calli... I had to use most of the photos. I couldn't help it.The Good Luck photos of My Dad, Jeff and the older boys playing horseshoes. Perfectly fitting for this week.
As for the one and only 'ringer' .....just in case you were curious. Yep, it was Jeff.
Fun in Green. All things Green.
I divided this photo into 4- 3x4 journal card masks.
I took the closeups of the 'green colored' yummies and shaped them into clovers using three different clover masks.
Sorry, download no longer available, and has been downloaded 27 times.
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Thanks for stopping by. ~Melanie