Week in the Life 2011: Through the eyes of Children: Monday
my theme for this year was not planned. i had no plan. i just knew week in the life was a challenge i wanted to tackle. midday yesterday
{official first day of week in the life}
my camera locked up and will not let me do anything to it.
so my sweet, helpful kids calmly reminded me....
"Mom, your camera takes pictures."
Yes it does and since it was their idea and they immediately started taking snapshots
-during the 'stressful' mom moment while trying to fix the camera-
love it when they know mom's stressed and calm the entire situation
and my theme will continue to be through the eyes of children.
they all four have been given official permission to snap photos at will throughout this week...
unedited, just simply four children taken photos and i will upload them at the end of the day!
i look forward to this project! :)
gratitude: thankful for the everyday.
moments: seeing the world through my childrens eyes.
Below are a few of the 50+ photos I uploaded for Monday.