Week 9......Oh my....WEEK 9!!!!
Girls we are so very close to the end.
This week is critical to our 'freedom' ...please please I beg you....if you haven't done a piece of your homework so far...please please do this week.
Day 1
Day 1
1. snatches the word
2. filled your heart with lies
3. decieved minds
4. He knows my thoughts
5.depraved mind
6. personal
7. personal
Day 2
"I have been given the divine power to demolish strongholds!"
taken from 2 Cor 10:4
1-4 personal
really pray over these questions, take your time to answer
5. lift the yoke from our necks
"Get up and prepare yourselves, for today the Lord will do amazing things among you!"
Day 3
Tearing down the high places.
"Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down their high places."
Deut. 33:29
1. Thoughts
Casual thoughts are thoughts that have not yet been taken captive in obedience to Christ.
Captivating thoughts are consuming unhealthy thoughts.
2. Dwelling on thoughts
Any thought I continue to dwell on and allow to bother me.
"There is no on like my God,
who rides on the heavens to help me
and on the clouds in his majesty.
The eternal God is my refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting arms.
He will drive out my enemy before me,
saying, Destroy him!
So I will live in safety alone;
My spring is secure
in a land of grain and new wine,
where the heavens drop dew.
Blessed am I,
Who is like me,
a woman saved by the LORD?
He is my shield and helper
and my glorious sword.
My enemies will cower before me,
and you, O LORD will trample down their high places!"
taken from Deut 33:26-29
3. many answers here...
past, failures, hurts, loses
"Happy am I,
who is like me,
A woman saved by the LORD,
the shield of my help,
and who is the sword of my excellency!
Casting down all imaginations,
and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ!"
Taken from Deut. 33:29 with 2 Cor 10:5 both KJV
"Every high thing" are things, people or circumstances that outgrow our thoughts of God.
Cast down the high places in our lives or they will eventually cast us down!
4. high places
sacrifices and burnt insence to idols
5. many Kings
failed to remove the high places to avoid confrontation.
6. not only
did He sacrifice his own son,
he followed the detestable ways of the high places.
7. Avoiding..
our "high places" is allowing the enemy to hold us captive.
Which ultimately will destroy us if we allow it.
8. personal questions
Day 4
Renewing our minds.....
So watch your step, friends.
Make sure there's no evil unbelief lying around-
that will trip you up and throw you off course,
diverting you from the living God.
For as long as it's still God's Today,
keep each other on your toes-
so sin doesn't slow down your reflexes.
Hebrews 3:12-13 MSG
According to Heb 3:13 "Sin is deceitful"...
Tear down the lies!
1. labeling the illustrations
2. The person...
that is unaware of the enemy plot to lead them astray by their thoughts.
3. The enemy uses lies to destroy!
for me...
unforgiveness, recognition, success, bitterness
TRUTH is the only way out! Knowing the TRUTH sets me free! John 8:32
5. understanding the powerful
impact declaring scripture over ourselves is a must in order to defeat the enemy!
Day 5
Taking EVERY thought captive!
"The mind of a sinful man is death,
but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace!"
Romans 8:6 NIV
1. to think with the mind of Christ
2. Removing temptation
so we can learn to overcome, and CLING to the victory!
3. Give thanks
to the LORD for His unfailing love!
4. illustration explanations...
Bowing to lies, standing up and tearing down lies then Bowing to the TRUTH that has set us FREE!
5. studying scripture
memorizing scripture to us against lies of the enemy
speaking truth will change our thoughts and the enemy will cower before us.
The WORD of GOD is powerful and useful for REBUKING the enemy!
Starve the flesh and feed the Spirit!
6. According to the Spirit - According to the Flesh
Spirit desires....Nature desires
Life and Peace...Death
Alive in Righteousness...Dead to Sin by not pleasing God
7. studying scripture
listening to Christian music
attending a bible study
memorizing scripture
8. drawing out all five illustrations.....
2. filled your heart with lies
3. decieved minds
4. He knows my thoughts
5.depraved mind
6. personal
7. personal
Day 2
"I have been given the divine power to demolish strongholds!"
taken from 2 Cor 10:4
1-4 personal
really pray over these questions, take your time to answer
5. lift the yoke from our necks
"Get up and prepare yourselves, for today the Lord will do amazing things among you!"
Day 3
Tearing down the high places.
"Your enemies will cower before you, and you will trample down their high places."
Deut. 33:29
1. Thoughts
Casual thoughts are thoughts that have not yet been taken captive in obedience to Christ.
Captivating thoughts are consuming unhealthy thoughts.
2. Dwelling on thoughts
Any thought I continue to dwell on and allow to bother me.
"There is no on like my God,
who rides on the heavens to help me
and on the clouds in his majesty.
The eternal God is my refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting arms.
He will drive out my enemy before me,
saying, Destroy him!
So I will live in safety alone;
My spring is secure
in a land of grain and new wine,
where the heavens drop dew.
Blessed am I,
Who is like me,
a woman saved by the LORD?
He is my shield and helper
and my glorious sword.
My enemies will cower before me,
and you, O LORD will trample down their high places!"
taken from Deut 33:26-29
3. many answers here...
past, failures, hurts, loses
"Happy am I,
who is like me,
A woman saved by the LORD,
the shield of my help,
and who is the sword of my excellency!
Casting down all imaginations,
and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ!"
Taken from Deut. 33:29 with 2 Cor 10:5 both KJV
"Every high thing" are things, people or circumstances that outgrow our thoughts of God.
Cast down the high places in our lives or they will eventually cast us down!
4. high places
sacrifices and burnt insence to idols
5. many Kings
failed to remove the high places to avoid confrontation.
6. not only
did He sacrifice his own son,
he followed the detestable ways of the high places.
7. Avoiding..
our "high places" is allowing the enemy to hold us captive.
Which ultimately will destroy us if we allow it.
8. personal questions
Day 4
Renewing our minds.....
So watch your step, friends.
Make sure there's no evil unbelief lying around-
that will trip you up and throw you off course,
diverting you from the living God.
For as long as it's still God's Today,
keep each other on your toes-
so sin doesn't slow down your reflexes.
Hebrews 3:12-13 MSG
According to Heb 3:13 "Sin is deceitful"...
Tear down the lies!
1. labeling the illustrations
2. The person...
that is unaware of the enemy plot to lead them astray by their thoughts.
3. The enemy uses lies to destroy!
for me...
unforgiveness, recognition, success, bitterness
TRUTH is the only way out! Knowing the TRUTH sets me free! John 8:32
5. understanding the powerful
impact declaring scripture over ourselves is a must in order to defeat the enemy!
Day 5
Taking EVERY thought captive!
"The mind of a sinful man is death,
but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace!"
Romans 8:6 NIV
1. to think with the mind of Christ
2. Removing temptation
so we can learn to overcome, and CLING to the victory!
3. Give thanks
to the LORD for His unfailing love!
4. illustration explanations...
Bowing to lies, standing up and tearing down lies then Bowing to the TRUTH that has set us FREE!
5. studying scripture
memorizing scripture to us against lies of the enemy
speaking truth will change our thoughts and the enemy will cower before us.
The WORD of GOD is powerful and useful for REBUKING the enemy!
Starve the flesh and feed the Spirit!
6. According to the Spirit - According to the Flesh
Spirit desires....Nature desires
Life and Peace...Death
Alive in Righteousness...Dead to Sin by not pleasing God
7. studying scripture
listening to Christian music
attending a bible study
memorizing scripture
8. drawing out all five illustrations.....