Hello April | Spring Resolutions

It's April.
Ready to tackle some resolutions.
There is something about Spring.
Hello fresh air.
Hello singing birds.
Hello sunshine.
Hello baseball.
Hello front porch sittin.

Spring Resolutions. I am ready:
Spring cleaning.
Dig in the dirt, plant some flowers.
A Garden. Oh, how I hope to tackle a raised garden bed this Spring.
Home decor planning. This may be a bit premature, but ready no doubt. If you want to keep up with my design ideas, watch my pinterest board.
Seriously make a paint color decision for our grand room.
Shop for ceiling fans and lighting.
Appliances are arriving this Monday. Goodbye, electric skillet. I will miss you.
Baking bread.
Outdoor running again (a mile a day) down our country road.
Get out and use my 'big' camera more.