Project Life | 2012 Title Page

Ready... Set... Project Life... Here we GO! I debated, debated and yep I debated some more.  I convinced myself: Not another Project!  Till finally I twisted my own arm,  What's the big deal?  I can handle just one more Project and here I set typing my very first Project Life post for 2012. I have read the hype about this product....and read some more.  Till I really really really ignored and tried really really hard to NOT to. I have taken the plunge and so excited I did.  For really.  Looking forward to all this project has to offer.  I couldn't decide between BH Turquoise or BH Clementine.  My heart fell in love with Turquoise- so that is what I purchased.  Being I'm doing Digital Project Life,  I will certainly add a few tidbits as I go.  I made the template for my title page... when BH announced she was joining up with JS I was thrilled.  Then the big release and not one template did they offer.  So I made 10 for my personal use.  If your wondering how to get your hands on a project life template..... JS does offer them now.  Today I have been putting together another post for week one.  Here's looking forward to 52 weeks. I'll be hopping around to other blogs and project life forums.  I need all the motivation I can gather to make this happen.  I mean really, for really, there's a LOT of livin' to do in 52 weeks.  I would love to link up and see your pages.   ~M